

The stamen is the male reproductive organ of a flower. Their number usually depends on how many petals the flower has. They consist of two parts: the anther and the filament. The anther, which is shown in the picture, is the brown colored head at the top of the stamen. It is responsible for producing pollen, which pollinators transport and spread on the ground and other flowers as they fly.


Angiosperm (Stargazer Lily)

Angiosperms, or "flowering plants", are the largest phylum of plants. They contain four sets of organs: sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels. One of the characteristics that differentiate them from gymnosperms are their enclosed seeds. The seed develops within the carpel plant tissue, which has seeds attached around it. They are divided into two groups by the number of seed leaves they have upon germination: monocots and dicots.



Amylase is a digestive enzyme that can be found in human saliva and our pancreas. It begins the chemical process of digestion. When we ingest food, the saliva in our tongue helps breaks down starch into sugar. This is why some foods with high starch levels, such as rice and potatoes, can come to taste somewhat sweet.

Amniotic Egg

Amniotic Egg (Chicken Egg)

An Amniotic Egg is simply an egg originating from an amniote. Amniotes are four-limbed animals that have an terrestrially adapted egg. These animals consist of  synapsids and sauropsids (reptiles and birds). Amniotic eggs are surrounded by a tough outer shell and inside it are four sacs: chorion, amnion, allantois, and the yolk. Together they keep a safe and water-like environment for the embryo as it grows.


Adaptation (African Penguin)

In biology, an adaptation is a trait that evolves by natural selection through generations. An adaptive trait tends to improves the organism's fitness. An example is the African Penguins'  fur. The black and white colors allow them to camouflage and hide from predators. Viewed from above, the black back fades into the ocean depth, and the white belly blends into the bright ocean surface.